Discovering my own sensory profile was a big "Aha" moment!
When I took the Sensory Profile Assessment for the first time, I was surprised to learn how much more sensitive to distractions I was than most people. Suddenly it made sense why I often felt overwhelmed and irritated by background noise, others talking loudly, and fidgeting.
Understanding my sensory preferences was so validating! It allowed me to structure my environment, and better understand my learning style to increase focus and reduce daily frustrations. This knowledge not only helped me manage my own life stressors, but I was then able to use my unique perspective to help others discover and understand their own sensory preferences and sensitivities to develop strategies toward a calmer and more regulated life. Â
Then in 2023, my life was turned upside down.
After an adverse reaction to a minor surgical procedure, I started to experience severe fatigue, debilitating headaches, and scary heart palpitations. Everything was hard! Months went by in this condition and I often wondered if I would ever recover and lead a normal life again. My anxiety went through the roof, followed by severe bouts of depression.Â
My autonomic nervous system, which regulates heart rate, blood pressure, and organ function, had become severely dysfunctional from the surgery.
I was eventually diagnosed with Dysautonomia and POTS.
So, what’s the antidote to Dysautonomia? It involves retraining the autonomic nervous system through sensory regulation and exercise. And guess what? It worked!! Drawing on my knowledge as an occupational therapist, I adjusted my life to be as calm as possible using sensory strategies to reduce anxiety, fatigue and depression.Â
Last Summer I was getting around with a walker and wheelchair. Now, a year later, I’m walking up to 3 miles at a time and can now do most daily activities without getting fatigued.
I’m not completely healed (yet!), my heart still likes to beat fast, and I still have to take medication to keep it stable, but I am leaps and bounds better than I was. I feel calm, emotionally stable and clear headed most of the time. I’ve accepted the ebbs and flows of daily emotions, and when I do get discouraged, I know that if I apply the sensory strategies I’ve developed for myself, that after a short time my emotions will recover to a more positive state of mind.
We all struggle, and we all get overwhelmed by life circumstances, but it is empowering to know that we all have the capacity to develop sensory strategies that can help us become resilient during the tough times.Â
My Coaching Approach
You are the expert on your body, after all, you’ve had to live in it your whole life! I’m simply here to support you with whatever knowledge and perspective I have. I utilize your strengths, and take into account the general messiness and reality of life, as well as any medical and health concerns, in order to help you find practical everyday solutions to enhance your quality of life. I want you to feel confident that you have the strategies to find a little more peace and calm when you need it most.Â
I am passionate about helping you find strategies that will support you on your journey to calmness.
Work With Me
I served in the Peace Corps from 2010-2012 in the Kingdom of Jordan
My mother & grandmother were talented chocolatiers - I love chocolate!Â
I’ve visited 38 of the US National Parks, and someday I’ll experience all 63!
Let’s rewire your brain using sensory calming strategies.
Explore ways to work with me so we can make your everyday, that much better.